
How To Bid New Construction Plumbing

If y'all've ever been in the position where you are behest on a plumbing job, then yous know how hard this can be. Information technology's not easy to observe the correct toll and estimate for any given project. And so, if you're looking for a way to brand life easier, then this commodity is for you! Below, we've created a complete, detailed guide most how to bid plumbing jobs. You'll learn how specific plumbing jobs differ, how to calculate pricing, and using FieldPulse'south simple bidding software, create pricebooks, and bid plumbing jobs in seconds.

How To Bid A Plumbing Job

plumbing bid invoice

The process for bidding plumbing jobs tin can range from complicated government bids to a simple verbal estimate. Considering a bid is work done for free and without the guarantee ofpayment, it's essential for anyone running a plumbing business to sympathise precisely what specific clients are expecting to increment their likelihood of winning bids.

Residential Plumbing Jobs

The most common type of plumbing job is residential work. This is work done for homeowners, usually in their own homes. The process for bidding these jobs is pretty uncomplicated. The homeowner or property manager will ordinarily asking a bid through an email or phone call, and then you'll do an on-site inspection to get a better idea of what the job entails.


Service calls are for small jobs that do non require a full-blown plumbing estimate. These can include fixing chock-full drains in tubs and sinks, replacing faucet washers, etc. A service call does not need to exist very detailed because it's usually for small jobs that should not accept long to consummate one time the plumber gets there. Service calls are typically priced as a base of operations bid plus an hourly rate.

For potential clients that don't require a total-fledged bid, just a letter of intent or oral bid, information technology'due south nonetheless a good idea to do a light version of this process for your own estimation'due south sake.


A remodel is when a dwelling house or edifice has already been constructed, simply the plumbing system needs to be updated or replaced. This tin include updating an old shower or bath, replacing an unabridged bathroom, or calculation a kitchen sink and dishwasher. The remodel bid will consist of the labor and materials needed to complete the project. Information technology will also include any permits necessary for the task.

How To Bid Commercial Plumbing Jobs

Commercial plumbing jobs will include restaurants or apartment complexes, where water usage is both higher and more frequent. It is essential to recognize that these types of installations or renovations may require you to work shorter hours, after hours, or off-hours and then the client'south business concern can remain running. Including this accommodation in your initial bid will help the client know that yous understand their needs and are the professional person they desire on their project. When y'all complete your plumbing work, y'all'll also exist the person they call with whatsoever futurity projects or repairs.

How To Bid Plumbing On New Construction

This is when a new abode or building is existence built. The plumbing company will bid on the materials, labor, and equipment needed to consummate this projection. You tin learn more about how to bid plumbing on new construction with our guide to plumbing takeoff.

Plumbing Authorities Contracts

Behest on a government chore can be a tricky process. It'south not like bidding on a commercial or residential plumbing job.

dynamic proposals for plumbing government contracts

The process is long, tedious and it requires you to create an entire bid parcel that includes the telescopic of piece of work, your visitor's information, a price quote, and whatsoever other information they may request of you. (Pro-Tip: FieldPulse's Dynamic Proposal tool can aid with this with like shooting fish in a barrel-to-use pre-fabricated templates.)

It'southward also very of import that you have all the information you need in order to win the contract. Every urban center is different; some crave more paperwork than others practise. You as well demand to know if there are any restrictions on who can win the contract or if bids will exist opened upwardly to contractors from all over the land instead of merely your local expanse.

Invitation To Bid vs. Request For Proposal

When you lot bid on a authorities contract, the first step is to submit your Invitation To Bid (ITB) or respond a Request For Proposal. This is a asking for data from a authorities agency to make up one's mind which company is most qualified to receive a contract.

Invitation To Bid

An invitation to bid, or ITB, is a notice that a government agency volition exist awarding a plumbing contract to a company. The ITB will outline the contract's specifications, such as the piece of work to exist done, materials to be used, and other conditions. The ITB must be opened past a specific time and date, and all bids must be received by that time.

In general, a customer seeking an invitation to bid plumbing bobs will be looking for a fixed-price contract with your business, though you are welcome to (and should) bake in some price adjustment based on the variables that can occur on the job site.

Request for Proposals

Like to the ITB is the Asking for Proposals or RFP.

A Asking For Proposal (RFP) is similar to an ITB, except it is used when the authorities agency is unsure what they desire; they are looking for ideas from contractors who may take experience with similar projects. An RFP usually has very little information about what the job will entail only does contain general details almost how big a project will be and where it will take place. The contractor then submits their bid to complete the project in accordance with their pattern, which must fall inside budget parameters set past the government agency.

Therefore, one outcome of an RFP is a price-reimbursable contract. It'due south one of the few times that a client expects wiggle room in the pricing, materials, and scope.

The ITB, on the other hand, will usually effect in a fixed-price deal, even if information technology contains options like price aligning to account for inevitable holdups and variables.

How To Price A Plumbing Task

Plumbing professionals have a lot to consider when pricing a plumbing service. While it seems like a simple equation at first glance, 'Price your service higher than information technology costs,' it volition quickly get credible that there are subconscious expenses to the plumbing industry. You lot want to guarantee that your turn a profit margin isn't coming at the cost of potential clients. Here are the chief methods of pricing plumbing jobs and some of their benefits and drawbacks.

How To Cost Plumbing Services Hourly

pricing plumbing jobsWhen you showtime behest plumbing jobs, it'southward tempting to focus on simplicity. An hourly charge per unit tin can piece of work for everyday jobs and keep your paperwork like shooting fish in a barrel. To calculate an hourly price, yous'll need to determine a) what you expect to spend on running the business, and so b) how much money you desire to make manually. An added benefit to individuals working in the plumbing business is that you tin can also determine if there's c) profit to be made on top of your bacon. Add together those three together and divide by d) the number of billable hours you lot expect to piece of work. One time you have that number, compare it to some of the competing plumbing services in your surface area. Make any farther adjustments that you experience comfortable with, and there you have it! Your hourly rate.

However, information technology is essential to note that if a job becomes more than complicated while you're doing that work, you can face up unexpected boosted expenses that hateful at present you'll be lucky merely to cover cleanup costs. Additionally, fifty-fifty if all goes co-ordinate to plan, your customer can be left unsatisfied with their neb simply because they don't fully empathize that your hourly rate covers piece of work on the job site as well as in the office. If your client isn't happy with the price they paid for your plumbing service, then yous can say goodbye to any more than plumbing jobs from them, likewise as their friends and family.

How To Cost A Flat-Rate Plumbing Job

With apartment-rate pricing, customers are more likely to book jobs in accelerate because they know how much the service volition cost them earlier the work begins. This can help you lot make full your schedule and make certain that yous are making enough money from each job to encompass your business costs and turn a profit. This can exist swell for small jobs but can quickly eat into your profit with larger jobs that have dozens of considerations to factor in.

How To Toll Per Square Human foot

plumbing price bookPricing per foursquare pes is common for large jobs or plumbing jobs for new construction. It is a great way to cover overhead costs without having the difficulty of meeting client expectations that an hourly rate sometimes incurs. You should check to see what median prices are within your expanse; some areas of the country will have college averages though the national boilerplate is effectually $4.50 per square human foot.

Earlier determining what you're going to accuse, it is essential to mensurate the project in question accurately. You lot'll also want to know the number of fixtures that yous'll be installing, as well as what piping textile is being used. These will all affect your price and should be added to your bid to ensure your profit margin stays where you lot desire it.

Plumbing calculators and other plumbing apps tin can help a lot when pricing jobs!

How Much To Charge For Plumbing Work

The full cost of a plumbing job is the sum of the materials, labor, and overhead costs. The contractor's markup determines the materials toll. A plumber's hourly rate determines the labor cost. Both materials and labor are also typically priced to account for overhead.

There are a lot of factors that go into determining your cost, so we'll break them down for you.


How much fourth dimension will information technology have to complete the job? We recommend adding 20-30% to this number to cover breaks, distractions, and unexpected problems during any projection.

residential plumbing bidThis is one of the most critical factors in determining your bid. If your labor charge per unit is besides low, you may not be competitive with the other plumbers in your area. You lot may not win the job if it'southward too high because your price will be too high for the client to justify. Information technology would aid if y'all found a happy medium between these two extremes, so talk to people in your surface area and see what they're charging for similar work. Retrieve, it'south e'er easier to accuse more than reduce a bid after the project starts!

Crew & Staffing

Next, you're thinking about whether you'll need a crew to complete the job. Based on the designs and parameters of the bid, you'll need to price out per caput on the job site. Then, add together a little extra on tiptop, so you make a turn a profit and account for unexpected circumstances.

This tin can get pricey fast if you lot don't take a articulate idea of what the job entails from the client. How many main plumbers do you lot need supervising apprentices or helpers? How much is that going to cost per head per 60 minutes?

You need an overall plumbing hourly rate for every member of your crew at each skill level (which you lot can anneal into an amass charge per unit if yous want).

These are knowable criteria just need to exist factored in in advance so you tin maximize turn a profit and not take a bath on unexpected expenses – or irritate your client with overruns.

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Supplies & Materials

This is where it gets tricky. For example, let'due south say you're replacing a garbage disposal in a kitchen sink. You can purchase the new disposal for $150 or spend $250 on a nicer unit with all the bells and whistles. The improve unit will probably concluding longer and perform better, but is it worth an extra $100 to your customer? You have to determine what your customers are willing to pay and what you can afford to spend on all the materials.

Inquire your customer what they're looking for in terms of blueprint/await. If they're looking for something modern and minimal, this will touch your pricing. Modern interiors typically crave more piece of work than traditional interiors, so that's something to consider before quoting a cost.

Material costs will also vary greatly depending on the blazon of construction (new or an existing structure) and what the client is looking for. Is it a high-end construction with all the bells and whistles or more of a penny-saver?

Will they be looking to you to utilize the best materials or help them decide which materials autumn within their budget?

Volition the materials the client wants you to use incur additional expenses, like the employ of special tools and/or expertise to install?

These minor variables add up to additional costs if you don't have the answers upfront – and know which questions to enquire when you bid on plumbing jobs.

Complete Estimates Faster With A Pricebook

Want to get through estimates faster? Create a digital pricebook. A pricebook is a spreadsheet plumbing pricebookof products and services that tin be consulted every bit you fill up out estimates. With FieldPulse's plumbing estimation software, you lot can create or upload your pricebook directly inside the app. Then, you can bundle products and services for common jobs to create detailed estimates on the spot in seconds. Or alternatively, with the pricebook feature you tin can create detailed pricebooks with photos, item descriptions, and more.


Overhead consists of your basic business expenses: truck fuel, phone/internet/fax expense, insurance premiums, etc. Don't forget most taxes either! You lot'll probable pay around thirty% of each dollar y'all make in taxes (federal and state), so factor that into your pricing likewise.

Here are some of the things yous should be asking:

Jobsite Expenses

In some ways, despite the surprises that tin occur in materials needs or labor, those parts are easy. What'south occasionally harder to retrieve are all the side expenses you might accept to account for at a busy job site. Below, we've listed out a few of the additional costs you might need to account for on larger jobs.

Plumbing. While many large task sites simply rely on port-a-johns, others will have temporary toilets installed for the crew working there. Are you lot expected to become these online or build them?

Temporary Piping Runs. Speaking of temporary installation, you may need to do temporary pipage runs or h2o boosting for other on-site work. This may or may non be accounted for in the existing planning documents and at to the lowest degree raises a question y'all can ask the client.

Adaptation. If the project is big plenty, do you need to rent a trailer to have adequate organizing and office space? If non, will the client provide one for you and your crew? Logistics are critical to big projects, and you need a place to run them from.

Parking. Is there gratis parking nearby? Practice you need to pay for infinite? What about truck rentals for the task site?

Waste Direction. Will the chore site provide roll-off dumpsters, or will you exist required to provide an on-site dumpster?

Local Regulations. What are the costs of permits and licenses you might need? What are the costs of taxes on work and materials? What kind of safe training is required?

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Markups are the difference between what you pay for a product or service and what you lot charge the customer. The markup is a percentage of the total cost of everything that goes into that job. For example, if you take a task that costs yous $2,000 and your markup is 30%, you would accuse $2,600.

Pro-Tip: Marking-ups don't demand to be consequent from chore-to-job or customer-to-customer. Y'all can cull what markups will work best for your business. For example: if a client needs something stock-still right away and doesn't care well-nigh price, your markup percentage could increase considering they're willing to pay more.

The timeline can be a significant factor depending on what y'all're doing. If you lot're doing an emergency repair, it will mean you're working outside of your regular hours or might demand to prioritize that customer over other work.

Alternatively, if you're doing piece of work for a commercial job, you'll probable need to piece of work outside of business hours or on a tighter timeline. That means you're able to charge more for this work.

The Magic 3 Pct

Once you've got your all-time, most comprehensive guess at a bid together, contact all your contractors and obtain estimates for your estimates, add three percent on top. This is your jerk room to preserve profit in the face of unexpected costs and changes.

In addition to simply being the average margin of error on plumbing contractor estimates, information technology's a good percent that takes care of your needs every bit a professional while not beingness and then high as to seem like you lot're gouging the client. Everybody wins.

Plumbing Business Bidding Software

Supercharge your sales, streamline your behest process, and increase acquirement with FieldPulse's plumbing bidding software, complete with a consummate suite of tools to help you lot manage your business organisation.

plumbing bidding softwarePlumbing contractors can use this software to quickly create estimates and detailed proposals with case studies, multiple pricing options, reviews, and more than.

The app besides provides numerous sales tools to assist you price and upsell jobs with ease, including pricebooks, markups, and dynamic estimates with good, better, best pricing so that you lot can offer customers numerous options.

Want to larn virtually FieldPulse's full suite of features – including scheduling, inventory, and automated customer communications – inside FieldPulse'southward plumbing software? Volume a demo today, or actuate a complimentary 7 twenty-four hours trial to explore FieldPulse at your own pace.


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